Employee Performance Review Sheet

Employees’ work performance matters to an organization’s overall growth. Managers and leaders must evaluate employees’ performance to identify areas for improvement.

Employee performance needs to be reviewed transparently and fairly so that employees can know this has been done right. Employees must not complain that the review has not been done properly. An employee performance review sheet can help you here.

What is an employee performance review sheet?

This tool can aid managers and employers in objectively evaluating employees’ work. They will, therefore, be able to determine where the employee is working well and where improvement is needed.

What does an employee performance review sheet do?

The sheet will assess an employee’s work style, noting their strengths and weaknesses. It can provide constructive feedback to improve employees’ work performance. Employers can see which employees are working well and which ones are not helping the company out. Employees can even identify their areas of weakness.

Employee performance review sheet for Excel


[For Excel: xlsx & Polaris Office] [Size: 8.0 KB]


[OpenDocument Spreadsheet .ods] [Size: 30 KB]

How to create an employee performance review sheet?

It is important to make this review sheet carefully so that a proper evaluation of all employees can occur. The following points can be kept in mind when creating the sheet:

Structure of sheet:

The document can be typed in Microsoft Word so that it can be easily filled in and read by those who need to do this. The heading can be “Employee Performance Review Sheet”. You can then have different sections related to the performance review that you want to carry out. You can decide which work areas of the employee you want to measure and include sections of these on the sheet. The sheet should, however, not include too many details and must not be confusing to fill in and read.

Employee details:

This section will include the name of the employee, their department, job title, name of their manager, review date, etc. The information here should let the reader know who the employee is.

Employee performance:

Here, there can be different rows that measure employee performance in various areas. This can include whether the employee completes the job properly, whether the employee meets all criteria for performance, etc. There can be columns that you can tick and which include parameters such as strongly disagree, disagree, agree, and strongly agree. There can be a column for comments.

Job behavior:

This part can include points like whether the employee aids other employees with work, if they were absent, if the employee helps other workers if their workload is too much, whether the employee volunteers, etc. According to what you want to measure, you can include a row for that. You can tick the boxes in the column section accordingly.


This section will include questions such as whether the employee communicates properly, responds in a timely way, has good written communication skills, etc.

Employee potential:

This section will consider how you analyze the employee’s potential. The column section can include details like promotable, needs more training, etc.


An area can be provided where the reviewers’ signatures can be seen, thereby making the document valid.

It lets you know how well the staff is working…

This sheet is important when a company wants to know how all its employees are working. It helps in giving feedback and evaluating employees’ accomplishments. It will figure out areas where improvement is needed so that the employees can function at their optimum and help the company out.

When the sheet is made right, it can provide the performance review with transparency. Employees will be able to know how the organization views their contributions.

In this way, employees can be more encouraged to work harder when they know that their work is appreciated. The organization will be able to recognize top performance properly, and the employee can be rewarded for this. When a performance review is done properly and transparently, employees will also be happy that the review was not biased. This sheet can, therefore, help an employer and employee know where improvement is needed and where a certain employee is excelling.

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